Route Guard
Auth Guard
For NextJS

How to work ?

A private route can be protected using this AuthGuard component. It decides whether to permit navigation to a requested route.


"use client";
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { usePathname, useRouter } from "next/navigation";
import useAuth from "hooks/useAuth";
const AuthGuard = ({ children }) => {
const router = useRouter();
const pathname = usePathname();
const { isAuthenticated } = useAuth();
const [isLoggedIn, setIsLoggedIn] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (!isAuthenticated) router.replace("/login");
else setIsLoggedIn(true);
}, [isAuthenticated]);
if (isLoggedIn) return <>{children}</>;
return <Loading />;
export default AuthGuard;

How to use it ?


import { AuthGuard } from "components/auth";
import DashboardLayout from "layouts/dashboard/DashboardLayout";
const Layout = ({ children }) => {
return (
export default Layout;