For NextJS

How to use JWT authentication system ?

Note: The onion template uses the firebase authentication system by default.

  • Step-1 : Open the src/app/layout.jsx file then import the AuthProvider from src/contexts/jwtContext and wrap the Root Layout component with it.

  • Step-2 : Open the src/hooks/useAuth.js file. Thereupon, import the AuthContext from src/contexts/jwtContext then pass AuthContext as a argument in useContext hook.

  • Step-3 : Call the useAuth hook inside AuthGuard, GuestGuard components, Login, Register page etc.

Step 1


import { AuthProvider } from "contexts/jwtContext";
const RootLayout = ({ children }) => {
return <AuthProvider>{children}</AuthProvider>;
export default RootLayout;

Step 2


import { AuthContext } from "contexts/jwtContext";
const useAuth = () => useContext(AuthContext);
export default useAuth;

Step 3


import useAuth from "hooks/useAuth";
const Login = () => {
const { login } = useAuth();
const onLogin = () => {
login("", "pass123"); // Login crediential
return (
<Button onClick={onLogin}>Login</Button>
export default Login;


import useAuth from "hooks/useAuth";
const Profile = () => {
const { user, isAuthenticated, logout } = useAuth();
if (isAuthenticated && user) {
return (
<Typography>Email : {}</Typography>
<Button onClick={logout}>logout</Button>
return <Redirect to="/login" />;
export default Profile;

How to delete from app ?

  • Delete the jwtContext.jsx file from src/contexts folder
  • In addition, if you use this, remove it from the src/hooks/useAuth.js file.